AU Arts Festival

  • 2022-12-13
  • staff student
AU Arts Festival started in 2015 aiming to cultivate students' humanistic and aesthetic literacy via a wide range of events. In cooperation with Office of Student Affairs, Center of General Education, and Asia University Museum of Modern Arts, It holds diverse activities, under the theme of " Dating with Spring," which consist of 3 categories - art, aesthetics, and literature. Multiple arts and cultural activities are organized, and well-known writers, performance groups, and artists are invited to participate in so as to make such kinds of events accessible to students who may be stimulated to increase interests in them and develop their sense of aesthetics.      

For more information, please contact us via FB log-02, thank you.
For Chinese version, please visit the official website 中文版.
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圖說  亞大藝文季知名相聲劇團「相聲瓦舍」蒞校演出年度新作《三十三》 2022 主題展海報合併  老虎與尋找_工作區域 1 圖說:「聞韶軒絲竹室內樂團」以國樂交響樂演奏形式,為全校師生帶來許多首耳熟能詳的流行樂串燒,驚豔全場。