【谘辅组】脑筋急转弯!是谁在我的脑袋里? ~情绪探索与管理团体

  • 2015-10-01







你/妳,曾经发现过它们吗?   你/妳,知道它们为何会出现吗?







*    招募对象:想与夥伴一起探索各种情绪的学生6-8名。

*    团体时间:104/10/5起每周一18:30-20:30(10/510/1210/1910/2611/211/16 11/2311/30,期中考周已暂停一次)

*    团体地点:管理大楼M006(谘商辅导组团体谘商室)

*    领导者:宇佩秦实习谘商心理师(台中教育大学谘商与应用心理学系硕士班)

*    全程参与者,将提供参与证书与精美小礼物!

*    报名方式及其他注意事项,请上谘辅组网页http://care.asia.edu.twg首页g最新消息洽询


主办单位:谘商辅导组  Organizer: Counseling Center


Counseling Center Group~

Interpersonal Explore and Growth

lEligibility: For those would like to explore their interpersonal mode, especially for those who just transferred to a new environment or who wants to precipitate himself/herself, 6-8 students per group.

lFacilitator: Counseling Psychology Practicum Trainee Pei-Chin Yu (Master Class, Department of Counseling and Applied Psychology, NTNU)

lDay & Time: Monday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., starting from October 5, 8 sessions. Midterm week included if necessary.

lVenue: Room M006

lFor those who participate in all sessions will get a certificate and a gift.

lFor more information, please visit the Counseling Center's webpage and contact Counseling Psychologist Flora Hsu at ext.6268, 6269 or go to Room L101.

lDiscussion will be led in Mandarin Chinese.

English Language Editing Services provided by

The Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research
